Frequently Asked Questions
When and Where are your Worship Services?
All services are held in the Sanctuary at St. John Lutheran Church.
Click here to see a map. St. John Lutheran Church is located at the corner of Benjamin and Sisson streets in the quaint Village of Romeo. The church is located on Benjamin St., .2 miles south of 32-mile Road (St. Clair St.) and .2 miles west of Van Dyke Ave (Main St.). Alternately, .2 miles north of Van Dyke, on West St. Clair, is the stoplight at Sisson Street. Turn south on Sisson .2 miles to the second stop-sign. Turn left on Benjamin to enter the parking lot.
Where Do I Park?
Parking is located on the east side of the Church. There is overflow parking located on the grass behind the church. Parking on the south side of Benjamin Street is limited. There is no parking on the north side of Benjamin St. and no parking on Sisson St.
Where Do I Go?
The main entrance to the church is under the portico on the east side of the building. You may drop your family at the door and then park in the adjacent parking lot. We encourage visitors/guests to sign our guest book which is located on your right as you enter the building lobby. Most often, once you enter the building, greeters will be there to assist you. The Sanctuary is located up the stairs which are on your left. An elevator is available next to the stairs if necessary. At the top of the stairs or as you exit the elevator you will be in the “Gathering Area.” The Sanctuary entrance will be to your right.
Where Do My Kids Go?
If you wish to have your kids with you during the worship service simply bring them into the Sanctuary. A cry room/nursery with audio and a view of the worship space is available in the back of the Sanctuary for those with small children. If you would like your children to visit or take part in our Sunday School, the classrooms are located in the basement of the church. Use the elevator or take the stairs (located to your left after you enter the building) down to the basement. If you wish you may stay and observe our school curriculum.
What do I Wear to Service?
In our congregation some people enjoy dressing up while others feel more comfortable in less formal attire. A few people wear jeans. Wear what you like and be comfortable, we’re just happy you can come.
What is the Worship Service Like?
Our Saturday service is “to the point.” We no longer use printed worship guides for this service−the entire service is presented using PowerPoint slides. We have a greeting by the Pastor, then an opening song. This is followed by an Opening Prayer, Reading from the Gospel, the Pastor’s Sermon, a Praise Hymn, Announcements/Prayer Concerns, Prayers of the People, The Lords Prayer or Apostles Creed, The Sending Forth and a closing song. Singing is usually done with the accompaniment of a piano. Holy Communion is given at every Saturday service. Communion follows the Prayers of the People and involves our Confession, Pardon, the taking of the bread and wine, and the Benediction. Attendance on Saturdays is about 40-50 people.
Our Sunday service is a more formal Lutheran worship experience. The Liturgy is compiled from the “Lutheran Book of Worship” and the “With One Voice” hymnal. We no longer use printed worship guides for this service--the entire service is presented using PowerPoint slides. Standing for prayer and singing is frequent. Accompaniment of songs is either a piano or our organ. There is an Assisting Minister who complements Pastor Darcy along with music by one or more of our choirs. The 9:30 a.m. service usually includes a children's sermon. Communion is given on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Attendance on Sundays is about 75-125 people between both services.
How long are the Services?
The Saturday service is usually 30-40 minutes. The Sunday services are usually 50-60 minutes. The celebration of Holy Communion sometimes extends the length of the service.
Do you collect an Offering?
At St. John we believe that giving is a personal covenant between you and our Lord.
On Saturdays, no formal offering is taken. An offering plate is located in the main isle as you enter the Sanctuary.
On Sundays an offering is taken as part of the Order of Service. Envelopes are available on the back of each pew.
Can I take part in Holy Communion when I Visit?
At St. John we practice open Communion. This means that any Christian who believes that Jesus Christ is present in the bread and wine (hosts) and comes to forgive us of our sins is welcome at His table. White grape juice is available for those who prefer not to take alcohol. We ask that anyone taking communion fill out a communion card and hand it to the usher as they approach the altar or place it in the offering plate. Cards are located on the back of each pew.
Can I meet the Pastor when I Visit?
If you are visiting the church for one of our services and would like to meet Pastor Darcy Reis, speak to the greeters at the door or with one of the ushers--they will be happy to introduce you. If you have specific issues you would like to discuss with Pastor Darcy, we ask that you make an appointment by calling the church office (586-752-4588) during normal business hours (M-F; 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.).
What else Happens on Sunday?
There is time after each service to congregate in the Gathering Area to share in refreshments and fellowship. It’s a great opportunity to meet and greet fellow Christians. On occasion, a group or committee may schedule a meeting between services or after the 9:30 a.m. service. Look for announcements of these meetings in the Worship Bulletin.
What Happens on Other Days at St. John?
Visit the News page and our online calendar to see the exciting events that happen during the week.
How Do I Become a Member of St. John?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and arrange to speak with Pastor Darcy. One or more meetings with Pastor Darcy may be required.
How Do I Arrange for a Baptism?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and speak with one of our secretaries. A meeting with Pastor Darcy may be required.
How Do We Get Married at St. John?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and speak with one of our secretaries. One or more meetings with Pastor Darcy may be required.
How Do I Arrange for a Funeral?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and speak with one of our secretaries. A meeting with Pastor Darcy may be required.
How Do I Make Arrangements to use a Meeting Room or the Fellowship Hall?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and speak with one of our secretaries. They will answer all your questions and provide you with the details.
What about Religious Education?
St. John has a Sunday School for children, Confirmation classes for grades 7-9, and several adult Bible study groups. Click on the Education tab for more details.
How do I join the Choir?
Music is an important part of St. John’s praise and worship experience. We have two Bell Choirs (The Praise Ringers and Can-Do Ringers), three singing choirs (Kids of the Kingdom for grades K-5, the Youth Choir for grades 5-12, and the Praise Singers for adults), and a contemporary band (Sound Disciples). Our choirs are always in need of new members. Go to the Groups page for more details about each choir.
What about Youth Ministries?
Pastor Linda is our Youth and Family Ministries Director. Several new and exciting events are planned so check the Groups page of this website under Youth for the latest happenings.
How do I Arrange for a Stephen Minister?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and speak with one of our secretaries. They will answer all your questions and provide you with the details. You can also visit our Stephen Ministry page for additional information.
All services are held in the Sanctuary at St. John Lutheran Church.
- Our Saturday service begins at 5:00 p.m.
- Sunday services are held at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m.
- In the summer months our Sunday School is closed.
Click here to see a map. St. John Lutheran Church is located at the corner of Benjamin and Sisson streets in the quaint Village of Romeo. The church is located on Benjamin St., .2 miles south of 32-mile Road (St. Clair St.) and .2 miles west of Van Dyke Ave (Main St.). Alternately, .2 miles north of Van Dyke, on West St. Clair, is the stoplight at Sisson Street. Turn south on Sisson .2 miles to the second stop-sign. Turn left on Benjamin to enter the parking lot.
Where Do I Park?
Parking is located on the east side of the Church. There is overflow parking located on the grass behind the church. Parking on the south side of Benjamin Street is limited. There is no parking on the north side of Benjamin St. and no parking on Sisson St.
Where Do I Go?
The main entrance to the church is under the portico on the east side of the building. You may drop your family at the door and then park in the adjacent parking lot. We encourage visitors/guests to sign our guest book which is located on your right as you enter the building lobby. Most often, once you enter the building, greeters will be there to assist you. The Sanctuary is located up the stairs which are on your left. An elevator is available next to the stairs if necessary. At the top of the stairs or as you exit the elevator you will be in the “Gathering Area.” The Sanctuary entrance will be to your right.
Where Do My Kids Go?
If you wish to have your kids with you during the worship service simply bring them into the Sanctuary. A cry room/nursery with audio and a view of the worship space is available in the back of the Sanctuary for those with small children. If you would like your children to visit or take part in our Sunday School, the classrooms are located in the basement of the church. Use the elevator or take the stairs (located to your left after you enter the building) down to the basement. If you wish you may stay and observe our school curriculum.
What do I Wear to Service?
In our congregation some people enjoy dressing up while others feel more comfortable in less formal attire. A few people wear jeans. Wear what you like and be comfortable, we’re just happy you can come.
What is the Worship Service Like?
Our Saturday service is “to the point.” We no longer use printed worship guides for this service−the entire service is presented using PowerPoint slides. We have a greeting by the Pastor, then an opening song. This is followed by an Opening Prayer, Reading from the Gospel, the Pastor’s Sermon, a Praise Hymn, Announcements/Prayer Concerns, Prayers of the People, The Lords Prayer or Apostles Creed, The Sending Forth and a closing song. Singing is usually done with the accompaniment of a piano. Holy Communion is given at every Saturday service. Communion follows the Prayers of the People and involves our Confession, Pardon, the taking of the bread and wine, and the Benediction. Attendance on Saturdays is about 40-50 people.
Our Sunday service is a more formal Lutheran worship experience. The Liturgy is compiled from the “Lutheran Book of Worship” and the “With One Voice” hymnal. We no longer use printed worship guides for this service--the entire service is presented using PowerPoint slides. Standing for prayer and singing is frequent. Accompaniment of songs is either a piano or our organ. There is an Assisting Minister who complements Pastor Darcy along with music by one or more of our choirs. The 9:30 a.m. service usually includes a children's sermon. Communion is given on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month. Attendance on Sundays is about 75-125 people between both services.
How long are the Services?
The Saturday service is usually 30-40 minutes. The Sunday services are usually 50-60 minutes. The celebration of Holy Communion sometimes extends the length of the service.
Do you collect an Offering?
At St. John we believe that giving is a personal covenant between you and our Lord.
On Saturdays, no formal offering is taken. An offering plate is located in the main isle as you enter the Sanctuary.
On Sundays an offering is taken as part of the Order of Service. Envelopes are available on the back of each pew.
Can I take part in Holy Communion when I Visit?
At St. John we practice open Communion. This means that any Christian who believes that Jesus Christ is present in the bread and wine (hosts) and comes to forgive us of our sins is welcome at His table. White grape juice is available for those who prefer not to take alcohol. We ask that anyone taking communion fill out a communion card and hand it to the usher as they approach the altar or place it in the offering plate. Cards are located on the back of each pew.
Can I meet the Pastor when I Visit?
If you are visiting the church for one of our services and would like to meet Pastor Darcy Reis, speak to the greeters at the door or with one of the ushers--they will be happy to introduce you. If you have specific issues you would like to discuss with Pastor Darcy, we ask that you make an appointment by calling the church office (586-752-4588) during normal business hours (M-F; 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.).
What else Happens on Sunday?
There is time after each service to congregate in the Gathering Area to share in refreshments and fellowship. It’s a great opportunity to meet and greet fellow Christians. On occasion, a group or committee may schedule a meeting between services or after the 9:30 a.m. service. Look for announcements of these meetings in the Worship Bulletin.
What Happens on Other Days at St. John?
Visit the News page and our online calendar to see the exciting events that happen during the week.
How Do I Become a Member of St. John?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and arrange to speak with Pastor Darcy. One or more meetings with Pastor Darcy may be required.
How Do I Arrange for a Baptism?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and speak with one of our secretaries. A meeting with Pastor Darcy may be required.
How Do We Get Married at St. John?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and speak with one of our secretaries. One or more meetings with Pastor Darcy may be required.
How Do I Arrange for a Funeral?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and speak with one of our secretaries. A meeting with Pastor Darcy may be required.
How Do I Make Arrangements to use a Meeting Room or the Fellowship Hall?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and speak with one of our secretaries. They will answer all your questions and provide you with the details.
What about Religious Education?
St. John has a Sunday School for children, Confirmation classes for grades 7-9, and several adult Bible study groups. Click on the Education tab for more details.
How do I join the Choir?
Music is an important part of St. John’s praise and worship experience. We have two Bell Choirs (The Praise Ringers and Can-Do Ringers), three singing choirs (Kids of the Kingdom for grades K-5, the Youth Choir for grades 5-12, and the Praise Singers for adults), and a contemporary band (Sound Disciples). Our choirs are always in need of new members. Go to the Groups page for more details about each choir.
What about Youth Ministries?
Pastor Linda is our Youth and Family Ministries Director. Several new and exciting events are planned so check the Groups page of this website under Youth for the latest happenings.
How do I Arrange for a Stephen Minister?
Call the church office (586-752-4588) and speak with one of our secretaries. They will answer all your questions and provide you with the details. You can also visit our Stephen Ministry page for additional information.