What to Expect
Sermons blend the past with the present and usually connect the Bible readings to a lesson that you can apply to your daily life. Holy Communion is celebrated every Saturday, as well as the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
Our Praise Band the Sound Disciples leads us in a Contemporary Worship experience once a month from September through June. The remaining Sundays feature traditional hymns accompanied by music from our concert grand piano or our pipe organ. Our choirs and soloists provide special music regularly at all services.
Members of the congregation will greet you at the door with a friendly, “Hello” and assist you in anyway possible. At the beginning of the service, we also shake hands greeting our friends and guests in the sanctuary. There is a mix of age among all generations. Some people enjoy dressing up, while others feel more comfortable in less formal attire. A few folks will even wear jeans. Just come as you are - we are all people of God!
After the service
After service friends will visit sharing in fellowship and refreshments in our spacious Gathering Area. Many children like to visit the goldfish pond inside the courtyard when the weather is pleasant outside.